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AS FAR AS I KNOW... The new girl on the hit show DANCE MOMS is named Kendall.

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Talia Seitel.

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Q: What is the new girl name on dance moms?
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What are the release dates for Dance Moms - 2011 Blame It on the New Girl 4-12?

Dance Moms - 2011 Blame It on the New Girl 4-12 was released on: USA: 11 March 2014

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Dance Moms - 2011 New Girl in Town 2-26 was released on: USA: 28 August 2012

Who is the new dancer Thalia on dance moms?

Her name is Talia Seitel.

Who is kendall on dance moms?

She is a new girl that will be joining them on season 2. She does dance in group numbers and does trios with Chloe and Maddy.

Why is dance moms in Miami?

There are now 2 Dance Moms. the original one "Dance Moms" and the new one "Dance Moms: Miami" they are completly different. the fist one is in pittsburgh PA, while the other one is in Miami Florida. It just depends where the studio is. :) Dance moms miami is a rip off of dance moms and dance moms miami is terrible... Well that's my opinion but dance moms isn't complete without Abby Lee Miller.

What are the release dates for Dance Moms - 2011 Out with the Old in with the New 3-2?

Dance Moms - 2011 Return of the Candy Apples - 2.2 was released on: USA: 17 January 2012

What is dance moms new season?

It starts January 1, 2014.

Who are the new dancers starting in season 2 of dance moms?

kendall vertes

Is dance moms showing anymore?

Yes, the new season starts January 1, 2014

What is Nia from dance moms new song called?

Nia Frazier's new song is called Star in Your Own Life

How do you get on dance mom's?

Dance Moms, the hit TV show on Lifetime, is not open for new dancers. They did have auditions once for their competition team, where they received the new dancer, Kendall Vertes. The ALDC (Abby Lee Dance Company where Dance Moms is filmed) does have other students beside their competition team, but Abby does not teach them. Sometimes, they will show little clips of these other dancers, but no more than about two seconds. The ALDC is located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, so if you live near there and are interested in dance, I would recommend it. I don't think you can really get on Dance Moms now.. ____ Although it is a dream to be able to be on Dance Moms, even if you were to audition, it would be very likely. If you do want to pursue a career in dance however, dancing at another local studio would be a good idea. To tell if you would be able to succeed, try dancing a routine that Maddie from Dance Moms has done, and see if you would be able to dance as so. If not, that's okay, you can learn.

What is dance moms?

Dance Moms is a show on Life Time that is new every Tuesday at 9:00. But sometimes, they take season breaks, so if you look and they're not playing, it's because they are taking a break from the season. Dance Moms kids include: Chloe, Maddie, Brooke, Paige, Nia, and McKenzie. It is about a VERY strict coach, Abby Lee, and her six competitive dancers. It is a real show, and it is very interesting. It's mainly focused on the moms and there gossiping about Abby or other kids. This also takes place in Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh. Hope this helped! Bye: ) P.S.: There is a new show called Dance Moms Miami. It's really cool.