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Q: What is the purpose of a danger sign?
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What is the purpose of the rectangular-shaped traffic sign?

Warning sign of possible danger ahead

What is the purpose of a diamond-shaped traffic sign?

to warn of a possible danger ahead.

Why danger is always depicted by red color?

Red colour has large wave length so scattering of red colour is in less amount in the fog day also driver could see sign of danger clearly, for that purpose ...

Why is a danger sign very important?

a danger sign is very important because without it you won't be cautious and you might get hurt or killed

What is the purpose of safety device?

The purpose of a safety device is to reduce the danger of injury.

In the Godfather movies what fruit is a sign of danger?

An orange is a sign of an upcoming death/murder.

What shape is a danger sign on a French highway?

Danger signs are always triangular, on any roads and motorways in France.

Is Inflammation danger?

It may be a sign of danger in the body but it can also be a sign of recovery. It is a normal compensatory mechanism in the body as a way of responding to stress or trauma or anything not within the balance of the body.

What is the purpose of traffic signs?

to warn of a possible danger ahead.

What type of control is a danger do not enter sign?

Avoidance Control/Elimination

Are grasshoppers in danger?

Grasshoppers are not in danger! I see them everywhere they might have been hurt, But not in danger! ( See sometimes we step on grasshoppers, not on purpose!) Hope this helped your question!! Signature -> 101Blisss101

What was the first sign of danger for Sarah in the book killing sea?

she was eaten by a goat.