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The pyramids are the symbol of the great country of Egypt.

ANS 2 Pyramids are primarily tombs for the Pharoahs.

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Q: What is the reason for the pyramid?
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Where are the pyramid's at and why are they there?

Pyramid's are found around the world, not just Egypt. The reason they exist is still unknown.

What was the reason pharaohs were buried in pyramids?

to tell people it was there pyramid

Why is the north pyramid facing north?

It was named North Pyramid because it faces north, there is no significant reason other than that

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For the very simple reason that a square has more sides than a triangle.

What is the reason that the pyramid been built?

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It was built as a tomb for one of the Pharaoh's.

Why do you think nutritionists chose a pyramid shaps for their food guide?

To add exercise for one reason. Also, picture yourself running up the pyramid. This is probably not the whole reason, but if you do not exercise, the food you eat will most likely turn into "FAT!"

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Why was the Great Pyramid at Giza considered an ancient wonder of the world?

For the reason that even today with our technology we would have difficultly recreating them.

How are the organism arranged in the food pyramid?

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One reason is Apophis takes control over Set.

Why must the bottom of a food pyramid be wider then the top?

the reason is because its more important food ( health wise ) than the top