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The relationship is that they are supplementary angles because angles on a straight line add up to 180 degrees

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Q: What is the relationship between an interior and exterior angles?
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How do you prove that sum of the two exterior angles of a quadrilateral is equal to the sum of the interior angles at the other two vertexes?

Let there be a line A-----------B. From A draw a line D upwards. From B draw a line C upwards. D C Z A B P Draw an arbitrary point Z and connect it with zdc and zab. Let interior angles ADC= 1 and BCD=2. Exterior angles ZAD=x and CBP(another arbitrary poion)=y. Let a and b be other two interior angles with point A and B. Now in triangle ZBC angle Z+b+2=180. Also b+y=180 y=Z+2--------(L) In triangle ZAD, Z+x+180-1=180; Z+x=1 or x=1-z--------(M) Adding L and M x+y=1+2

What is the relationship between angles and circle?

Angles are like 90˚ and 180˚. A circle is a circle.... "O" <=====this.. So, the only relationship I can guess is that angles can be created inside and outside of the circle. One such example can be a chord and a diameter touching each other at one end. Or a chord and a radius.. Or a radius and another radius. Hope this helps.

What is the size of the interior angle of a regular pentagon?

108 degrees The sum of all interior angles of a polygon is equal to the following: 180n-360, where n is the number of sides. For n=5, the total of all of the angles is 180*5-360=900-360=540. Since every angle in a regular polygon, each interior angle of a regular pentagon is 540/5=108 degrees.

What is the similarity between a square a hexagon?

squares and hexagons are both convex polygons (meaning their angles dont point inwards) and both have an even amount of sides/vertices

Why does a hexagon tessellate?

They tessellate because one of their interior angles is exactly 120 degrees provided that it is a regular polygon. Since this is exactly a third of a full circle, three of them will always create a 360 degree angle in the center. When you repeat this pattern, they form multiple 360 degree angles, which forms a tessellation. This is true with any polygon that has an interior angle that is a factor of 360, and this is why pentagons do not tessellate.

Related questions

What is the relationship between exterior and opposite interior angles?

In a triangle, each exterior angle is equal to the sum of the two opposite interior angles.

What is the relationship between the interior and exterior angles in polygons?

An interior angle and the corresponding exterior angle add up to a straight angle. that is, they are supplementary.

What is the relationship between interior angles and the sum of the exterior angles of a given polygon?

There isn't one. The sum of the exterior angles is always 360 degrees, the sum of the interior angles varies depending on the number of sides.

What is relationship between exterior angles and opposite interior angles of a triangle?

The exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of the two opposite interior angles. So if a triangle had points A, B and C: The exterior angle at B would equal the sum of interior angles at A and C. Similarly, the exterior angle at C would equal the sum of interior angles at A and B And the the exterior angle at A would equal the sum of interior angles at C and B.

What is the relationship between the interior and exterior angles of a polygon?

They both add up to 180 degrees when on a staight line.

What is the difference between the sum of the exterior angles to the interior angles?

The exterior angles always, in any shape, add up to 360. The interior angles sum depends on the number of sides.

Interior and exterior angles of triangles?

Interior angles are 180 degrees Exterior angles are 360 degrees

What is an exterior and interior angles?

The exterior and interior angles of each vertex of a polygon add up to 180 degrees.

Which regular polygon's interior angles is three times that of its exterior angles?

octagon interior=135 exterior=45

What is the relationship between interior and exterior angles in triangles?

An interior angle of a triangle is the angle between two edges, measured inside the triangle. An exterior angle is formed by extending one of the edges outside the triangle, and measuring between that extension and the adjacent original side of the triangle. The sum of the interior angle and exterior angle at any given corner is always 1800 (which is Pi radians).

What is the interior and exterior angles of a 24- gon?

Interior angles add up to 3960 degrees Exterior angles add up to 360 degrees

What are the interior and exterior angles of a heptagon?

The interior angles can have any value in the range (0, 360) except 180 degrees and the same for the exterior angles. The only constraint is that the sum of the exterior angles is 360 degrees.