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He is best friends with all of them

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Q: What is the relationship between ponyboy and steve?
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What do you thinkhe relationship between ponyboy and Darry will be like now?

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Steve randal and Ponyboy are best friends?

No they are not. Steve is best friends with Ponyboy's brother Sodapop and has been since he and Soda were kids. When it comes to Ponyboy, Steve tolerates him because he is always hanging out with him and Sodapop.

Why does ponyboy dislike Steve?

Steve, who is a Soda's best friend, is initially annoyed by the somewhat nerdy Ponyboy, who he believes is too young, always hanging around and a follower rather than a doer. He resents that Soda is always inviting Pony to go places with them and considers him a pest. Steve sets up numerous activities with Soda which will necessarily exclude Ponyboy. After one such occasion, Ponyboy confesses that sometimes he really hates Steve. Ironically, toward the end of the book, Steve is more accepting of Ponyboy and occasionally hangs out with him.

Who thinks Ponyboy is a tagalong?

Steve Randle

Why does Ponyboy accept but dislike Steve?

Ponyboy accepted Steve only because Steve was Sodapop's best bud. He didn't like Steve because Steve thought Pony was a tagalong. "He didn't like me- he thought I was a tagalong and a kid; Soda always took me with them when they went places if they weren't taking girls, and that bugged Steve."

How do ponyboy relationship with sodapop and Darry?

Ponyboy and Darry always were disagreeing on things Pony did wrong and Ponyboy and Sodapop got a long because the get eachother.

What does Soda say that makes Ponyboy look at his relationship with Darry differently?

Soda tells Ponyboy that Darry loves him (Ponyboy) but he does not understand him. Ponyboy only see the strict side of Darry.

What relationship did ponyboy and randy have in the outsiders book?


What gang is Ponyboy in?

Two-bit (keith) Mathews Steve Dallas Winston Johnny Cade Soda pop Curtis Darry Curtis and... Ponyboy Curtis

What kind of relationship did Ponyboy have with other members of the group?


What are the names of all the greasers?

PonyBoy, Dally, Sodapop, Two-Bit Mathews, Johnny, Darry, Steve Randale

Who are the members of greasers?

Ponyboy, Johnny, Darry, Dally, Soda, Steve, and Two-bit