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it depends on what you think

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Q: What is the scariest video ever?
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What is the scariest videogame?

My opinion for the scariest video game is probaly F.E.A.R

What is the scariest music video?

I think it's either thriller or Ghost that's the scariest music video (by Michael Jackson, that is.)

What is the scariest horror movie ever and the scariest character?

That would be a matter of opinion. Who do you think is the scariest character in the scariest horror movie you've watched?

What is the password to the scariest Sarah fincher video?

The scariest one is the 4th video of ghost in the machine which is called CARLKOCHAK heads up i was shaking for 20 minutes after the video

What is the scariest video on YouTube?

ghost sightings

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the scariest thing i have ever done is lie down in the middle of a busy street. that's not so scary though. you aren't living if you sit around playing video games all day

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the scariest one ive ever got was about bloody mary.........

What was the scariest movie of all?

Many people consider The Exorcist to be the scariest movie ever made.

Who is the scariest author ever?

Clive Barker