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The elephant's tusks are overdeveloped incisor teeth.

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They both have legs, but elephant legs are bigger, and longer. That is all i know.

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Q: What is the similarity between frog and human teeth?
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What is Similarity between frog and tadpole?

a tadpole is the second stage before it grows into a frog.

What are six anatomical differences between the digestive system of a human and a frog?

There are a few anatomical differences between the digestive system of a human and a frog. The first is that there are no villi in the small intestine of a frog. Frogs also have very weak teeth. The GI tract of the human and frog are also very different.

How does the location of a frogs teeth and a human's teeth differ?

Human teeth are use for chewing and grabbing. Frogs have teeth on the top of their jaw. Frog teeth are use mainly to hold the prey.

What do frogs have in their mouths that tods do not?

Frogs have teeth for gripping their food (not chewing). Toads do not have teeth.teeth

What is the differents between human and frog blood?

A human's blood quality is better because it has more heart chambers than a frog does. A frog has 3 chambers and a human has 4

What is the difference between frog and human blood quality?

A human's blood quality is better because it has more heart chambers than a frog does. A frog has 3 chambers and a human has 4

Where area frog's vomarine teeth and what do they do?

A frog's vomarine teeth are located in the roof of the frog's mouth. They are used to hold the frog's prey.

What are similarities between the human blood smear and the frog blood smear under microscope?

Numerous differences can be seen between frog blood and human blood. Perhaps the most obvious is the oval shape of the frog erythrocytes rather than the biconcave discs of human blood. Moreover, the frog erythrocytes have a nucleus (here stained blue) whilst human erythrocytes do not. There is less difference in size between the erythrocytes and leucocytes than in human blood. There are no platelets in frog blood.

What are the difference between the maxillart and vomerine teeth explain the importance of the teeth arrangement of the frog?

Vomerine hold the prey and maxilary crush the prey.

state a similarity between the life cycle of a frog and a grasshopper.Other than they both have 3 life cycles?

pls help me i need an answer nowwwww

What are the two sets of teeth for in frog?

The maxillary teeth and the vomerine teeth.