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It's an M3V (red dwarf).

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Q: What is the spectral class of Gliese 581?
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How many planets does gliese 581 have?

3-6. The 3 planet model would have gliese 581 b too hot, gliese 581 c in the habitable zone, and gliese 581 d too cold. The 6 planet model would have gliese 581 e, b, and c too hot, gliese 581 g and d in the habitable zone, and gliese 581 f too cold.

When was Gliese 581 g discovered?

Gliese 581 g was discovered on September 29, 2010.

What color is gliese?

Gliese itself does not exist, but Gliese 581 is a red star.

What is the atmosphere of gliese 581 c?

Earth is similar to Gliese 581 c, in that they both are the third planet from their sun. See related links for information about Gliese 581 c.

What solar system is gliese 581d in?

Gliese 581 IS the system, D is the planet.

Temperature gliese 581 c?

The temperature is not precisely known. If you read the Wikipedia article on Gliese 581 c, you'll find various estimates, based on different methods.

Does Gliese 581 have an elliptical orbit?

Gliese 581 is a red dwarf star and does not have an orbit as such. The term orbit is normally reserved for planets revolving around a star.

Is gliese 581c a sun?

No. g liese 581c is a planet that orbits a star, Gliese 581.

Is gliese 581 moving towards the constellation of leo?


Anything about the new planet Gliese 581?

gliese 581 is a star system not a planet however two of the 3 planets there are debatable that one of them could support life

What is Gliese 581 c?

Gliese is a new planet discovered in April 27, 2007 but told in 2010.

What is Gliese 581 g?

Otherwise known as Zarmina's world, Gliese 581 G is apparently of the condition to sustain life. It is an estimated 20.3 light years away. It orbits around a red dwarf called Gliese 581. For more info check out the related link