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This field is called "exobiology".

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Q: What is the study of extraterrestrial life and the effects of extraterrestrial surroundings on living organisms?
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What is an corect name in toxiologist?

It is TOXICOLOGIST who studies of the adverse effects of chemicals on living organisms. The basic duties of toxicologists are to determine the effects of chemicals on organisms and their surroundings.

What theory promotes the idea that ''only the strongest living organisms that can adapt to its surroundings'' survive?

The Theory of Evolution promotes the idea that the strongest living organisms adapt to their surroundings and survive.

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What theory promotes the idea that only the strongest living organisms that can adapt to its surroundings survive?

Charles Darwin's theory of evolution.survival of the fittest

What is the scientific name for the scientific study of living things?

Your answer could apply to any of the three following situations: Ecology is the study of the relationships between living organisms and their environment Coniology is the study of dust in the atmosphere and its effects on living organisms Actinobiology is the study of the effects of radiation upon living organisms

Which phrase best defines a biome?

Studyisland : all the living organisms in an area and their physical surroundings.

What effects does ozone depletion have on organisms on Earth?

It harms them. It causes various fatal diseases on living organisms.

Are living organisms open or closed systems?

Organisms are open systems due to the fact that they maintain a steady state. They exchange both matter and energy with their surroundings.

What are the effects of pollution to living and non-living environment?

The effects of pollution on living organisms include mutations, exposure to carcinogens, and introduction of unnatural compounds and elements into their habitats. Effects on the non-living environment include changes to Earth's chemistry and atmosphere.

Why is homeostaisis required by many organisms?

Homeostasis is required by many organisms because it is the ability to adapt to its enviornment. Not all organisms need homeostasis because not all organisms "TRAVEL" through different enviornments, so there is no need to adapt. ALSO One of the classifications of living things is the ability to adapt to an enviornments surroundings. Many organisms are living and this is required of those living organisms.

True or false Bacteria are living organisms because they use energy grow and respond to their surroundings?

True. That, among many other reasons, is why they are considered living.

What is the meaning of the word environment?

your living surroundings your living surroundings