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About 9 hours(behind NZ).

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Q: What is the time difference between Malaysia and NZ?
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What is the time difference between NZ and St Petersburg Russia?

the time zone

What is a difference between NZ and Haiti?

An Earthquake.

What is the time difference between New Zealand and Germany?

At the moment (in August) Germany is 10 hours behind NZ time.

What time is 0730 GMT in Auckland NZ?

There are twelve hours difference (not allowing for Daylight Saving in NZ) 0730GMT is about 1930 NZ time

What time will the opening ceremony be in nz?

8 am Sat - 11 hrs between London & NZ

What is the difference between Wales and NZ?

They are in different hemisphere's Wales in the North and NZ in the south, New Zealand is much bigger than Wales. NZ also has a far better Rugby team.

What the differences between NZ time and Western Australia during day light saving?

Diff. b/w NZ time & Southwestern Australia time is 4hrs .

What is difference between call center and call centre?

one is NZ spelling and one is american

What is the difference between US and NZ?

There are probably many more than I am going to stet here but the most obvious one would be Country size and population difference, NZ is small and not heavily populated. NZ is also doing a lot to control pollution, is Nuclear free and doesn't interfere with the politics of other countries.

Time difference between New Zealand and Singapore?

it five hours behind so if it 5.00 in nz it will be noon in Singapore

What is the flight time between NZ and London?

It would take about 22 hours and 45 minutes.

What is the halfway point between tauranga nz and opotiki nz?
