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Space Crusade

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Q: What is the turn based sci fi game called which i think was made in the late 90's where you are a group of marines that look like storm troopers and you have to fight aliens?
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What type of creature is in the movie Dreamcatcher the one that's based on Stephen kings novel?

Aliens from outer space, called "Greys" in the novel/movie.

Do clone troopers ever come back?

Clone troopers are the early model of the Stormtrooper which is based off of Jango Fetts DNA. So they never really come back, because they were never gone.

Is alien based on true events?

If aliens are real then yeah

If you were already in the British Marines can you then join the US Marines?

Yes you can, with some tests and appropriate background checks. There may be restrictions on MOS based on citizenship.

Who are the monsters in monsters vs aliens based on?

Dr. Cockroach- The Fly

Are the U.S. Marines in The Hunt for Eagle One MARSOC marines or regular infantry marines?

Based on the fact that the movie came out in January 2006 and MARSOC wasn't officially stood up late February 2006, it was most likely meant to be Force Recon Marines that are portrayed in the movie.

What's the difference between US Navy and US Marines?

There isn't much of a difference as the Marines are both water and ground based Only major differences are ranks, boot camp is harder in Marines, and Navy is all Sea.