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Q: What is the widest named strait in Canada?
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What is the longest country in North America?

Canada is the widest.

What was the strait of Magellan named after?

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What is the name of the strait that was named by Magellan?

Strait of Magellan

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Torres Strait Islands was named after a Spanish man named Spaniard Luiz Váez de Torres

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Are there three places named after Henry Hudson?

Yes; two important places named after him are Hudson Bay, in Canada, and the Hudson River. I am not positive but I think there is also the Hudson Strait. (:Read more: Are_there_any_places_named_after_Henry_Hudson

What is the name of the strait connects Canada's Hudson bay with the Atlantic ocean?

hudson strait

What are the names of all the straits in Canada?

well to say two straits are Hudson strait and Davis strait

Is the Hudson strait named after Henry Hudson?

Yes it is!

Who was the Bass Strait named after?

Bass Strait was named after sea explorer George Bass. In 1797, Bass sought sponsorship from Governor Hunter to determine whether a navigable strait existed between Van Diemen's Land and the Australian continent. It was on this journey that Bass discovered the strait that is now named after him. His journey was made between December 1797 and late February 1798.