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that yelloworange circle is where u last traveled to

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Q: What is the yelloworange circle moving on the map in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl?
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What are the dot moving on the town map in the game Pokemon diamond?

there to show where you just came from

What is the Pokemon at route 111 where the water is there is a moving Pokemon in a rock if you go to the right spot?

i mean the Pokemon in ruby and sapphire not diamond and pearl

Do you know any cool tricks on Pokemon Diamond?

Theres this COOL trick on the PC in Pokemon diamond you go to move Pokemon and press Y then hold down A over one Pokemon but then drag the little hand which should have turned yellow to the next Pokemon. It's an easier way of moving Pokemon in bulk from one box to another.

How do you use the pokeradar on Pokemon Diamond?

use it in the tall grass in the wild and the music will change and see the moving grass then go to the moving grass and a wild Pokemon will come out and kill or catch it and it has to be the same Pokemon. do it until the Pokemon is different Pokemon appears then stop and run if you want to do it again walk 50 steps and do it from the beginning

Where are the locations to electric Pokemon in diamond?

go to trophy garden. keep moving around. you will eventually come across a pikachu at level 18.

How to get entei?

Depends on the game. In FireRed and LeafGreen, you can find him/her wandering around in grass somewhere, being a moving pokemon. You can only get Entei if you chose Bulbasaur as your starter. You will have to migrate it to Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum in the pal park if you want it in Diamond/Pearl/Platinum. I hope that helped! ^^

Where are combees on Pokemon diamond?

slather honey on one of those yellow trees and w8 for it to start moving and it might be an aipom wurmple combee (there might be other Pokemon on the trees but those are the ones that i have encountered)

Where is the boys little sister on Pokemon Diamond and Pearl?

If you go to Sandgem town, go to the house beneith the Pokecentre and she is the little girl on the chair or moving around.

What keeps things moving in a circle?

gravity keeps us in a circle

How do you clone your Pokemon in Pokemon Diamond?

i have hear is only 1 way, but i havent test it personal. when you go to wifi center on jubilfe city, get in and put 1 Pokemon for trade. for example put chimchar and ask mew. now, the trick is, when you w8 to accept the Pokemon, ther is acloack on your chat that is moving(i think is saving) close the game, after he have done 6 circle and half, and before 8 circles. i havent test cause i cant get on wifi, so if it work, plz inform me:p

What force keeps an object moving in a circle. in what direction does this force act?

The Centripetal force keeps a object moving in a circle and its force and acceleration are directed toward the center of the circle

Which way is clockwise on a circle?

Moving in a clockwise direction on a circle is the equivalent to moving from right to left. This is also the direction used to tighten bolts.