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Connotation is the feeling a word or phrase evokes, as opposed to denotation, which is the literal definition.

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14y ago
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11y ago

it means what does the author mean about this poetry

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13y ago

figure it out. what are you, relying on this site for answers

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12y ago

it can change to mean different things to different people

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What is the negative connotation of clothes?

Some words do not have a negative connotation,as this word does. Actually, the word clothes is a neutral word and has no connotation at all.

What is the connotation of patriotism?

Patriotic means true and loyal to your country.

The material definition of a word or that which one could actually point to is its connotation?

Actually, the material definition of a word or its literal meaning is its denotation, not its connotation. Denotation refers to the literal or primary meaning of a word, while connotation refers to the associated emotions, feelings, or ideas that a word may evoke beyond its literal meaning.

The connotation of a word is the feeling it gives?

No. It is meaning associated with the word that differs from its denotation, or primary definition. For example the denotation of gay is "fun-loving, carefree", but its connotation is "homosexual."true, true, true, or maybe false you decide...........this is a life or death question(?)but the answer is TRUE LOL

Does the word sauntered have a positive or a negative connotation?

Sauntered means to have walked casually and in a relaxed manner. -I don't see any particular 'connotation' there. -( I strongly suspect that there are teachers out there who have caught onto this word 'connotation' and are unaware of it's true meaning.)

Does musical connotation happen when music is associated with events that happen outside the province of music?


What is the connotation of far-fetched?

"Far-fetched" has a negative connotation, suggesting that something is unlikely, improbable, or unrealistic. It implies that an idea or story is too difficult to believe or too improbable to be true.

Is smart a negative or positive or neutral connotation?

I was pretty sure it was positive. However, according to Edge 2020, it is negative.

Is repast a positive connotation or negative connotation?

It is a neutral connotation.

Is famished a positive connotation or a negative connotation?

Negative connotation

Is tardy a negative or positive connotation?

It is a negative connotation.

Is uneasy a positive connotation or a negative connotation?

uneasy is negative connotation