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Some of them are Fringillidae, Sparrows, Finches, Cardinals, and Grosbeaks.

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Q: What kind of birds crack seeds with their beaks?
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What kind of beaks do flightless birds have?

they have bills.

Love birds How are there beaks and claws there adaptations?

These kind of birds use their beaks and claws for like picking up food so if they go past water they can just grab it

What kind of birds don't eat seeds?


Which kind of birds live near are house?

Starlings(common black bird with yellow colored beaks), Or Robins.

Do birds eats sunflower seeds?

Yes, most birds -- both wild and domestic -- will eat sunflower seeds. For domestic birds, this is not as healthy as a balanced diet of mixed seeds, but wild birds will often eat sunflower seeds from a bird feeder in combination with their natural diet of wild seeds, berries, and/or insects.

How do plants give out seeds?

They dont give out seeds they get carried around by birds which kind of eat and drop them about

What kind of seeds do humming birds eat?

No..... Hummingbirds do not eat seeds, but they eat insects.

Do possums have lips?

yes. they are thin and pink, kind of like the lips on a cat.

What kind of beaks do canaries have?

They have short orange articular beaks.

What kind of organisms might compete with the mouse for seeds?

birds and other small rodents

What kind of beak does a parrot have?

They have long beaks. They use their long beaks to get their tongues into flowers with nectar in the back. Without long beaks hummingbirds would have to find different ways to get nectar.

How does seeds develop?

some plants have seeds in them and they burp them out and some fruits have seeds in them and if a birds eats the fruit the bird could drop one of the seeds and the seed would then be planted.