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Q: What kind of human voice does david cook have?
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It's a Les Paul

Was Fessenden the first person to transmit a human voice on a radio wave?

Yes. He was the first person to make ANY kind of audio transmission.

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Bass voice

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James Cook had an Endeavour

What is a high pitched voice?

high pitched voice is when your voice goes high and the noise is like kind of squashed kind of noise and not really loud

What if your most important communication tool when you're on the phone is your?

skills. ------------------------------------------------------ Your voice and how you use it. The human voice can be sounded in so many different ways such as cheerfully, sadly, angrily, pleadingly, brightly, grumblingly, rapidly, slowly, sarcastically, singing and so on. The human voice doesn't use only one kind of speech, rather like the face which can provide a multitude of expressions.

Who started calling David Archuleta Archie?

Well, David Cook and his fellow American Idol friends had called him that from early on the season, but when asked in an interview what David would like his stage name to be, he said "...Uhhh I don't know. Archie?" I guess that kind of set something off.

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kind of like Jason Mraz but I like Bruno Mars's voice better

What kind of voice did Louis Armstrong have when HE was a kid?

A good and strong voice

What is a good song that sHow is off your voice?

It depends on what kind of voice you have, how you sing, how you use your voice, and how you want to show off your voice.

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