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Q: What kind of poem is one might believe that natural miseries Had blasted France and made of it a land Unfit for men and that in one great band Her sons were bursting forth to dwell at ease?
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What do people who believe in animism think about natural objects?

People who believe in animism believe that the natural objects have spirits.

What is meant by dehiscent?

A bursting open or splitting along natural or sutured lines. You probably have seen this when some plants' fruiting bodies open and their seeds are released.

Where is the natural habitat of tigers?

The jungle, I believe.

Is fish a natural diuretic?

No, because yogurt is not a diuretic. It is natural though.

What is a moose's natural predator?

Believe it or not, the largest natural predator of a moose is the killer whale or orca.

Who were natural rights philosophers and what did they believe in?

Robert nozick

What did Catherine the Great believe about natural rights?

this is not cool

What is competition a cause of?

I believe it's natural capacity

Why is it advisable to wear cotton clothes while bursting crackers?

It is advisable to wear cotton clothes while bursting crackers because cotton is a natural fiber that is less likely to catch fire quickly. Additionally, cotton is less likely to melt onto the skin in case of accidental contact with sparks or flames, making it a safer option compared to synthetic fabrics.

Why do many people believe parenting skills are natural?

The best way to find out why so many people believe parenting skills are natural would be to research on a parenting website.

Is rubidium natural or synthetic?

I believe, due to complicated scientific discoveries, that Rubidium is in fact a NATURAL element.

What is a moose's largest natural predator?

Believe it or not, the largest natural predator of a moose is the killer whale or orca.