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The Spiders that starred in the film Arachnophobia, were the so called Avondale Spider, actually an Australian species, Delena cancerides, now well adapted to its new country.

A huntsman spider, it does not spin a web, and are described by arachnophiles as a social animal.

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Q: What large new zealand spiders starred in the film arachnophobia?
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What large nz spider starred in the film arachnophobia?

The Avondale Spider

Is arachnophobia the most common phobia?

It is not entirely irrational. Fear of common house spiders would be irrational but fear of large spiders e.g Tarantulas, or poisonous spiders would have a rational basis.

Are there really big spiders in New Zealand?

There are no snakes in New Zealand and the only venomous animal is the Katipo spider. The only really dangerous creatures are in the sea.Answ2. But there are a couple of introduced spiders, at least in the south; the Australian Red Back, and the Australian White Tail. Neither are fatal, but the White Tail gives a long-lasting itch.

Are there any tarantulas in NZ?

No there aren't any known Tarantula species found in New Zealand. Bio-Security claims that the introduction of large spiders will in fact ruin New Zealand's wonderful and rare wildlife.

What do Whitetail Spiders eat?

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Do spiders eat iguanas?

They have been known to eat them. Iguanas are a very large prey for spiders. Some spiders are large enough to eat large birds if hungry enough, so the iguanas are not much bigger.

What is a rain spider?

Rain spiders (also known as Huntsman spiders) are large insect-eating spiders found in many tropical and sub-tropical ares such as Australia, Hawaii, New Zealand, Southeast Asia, Florida and more. The males can have a leg span up to 11.8 inches. They will bite if provoked, but it usually only causes minor swelling, headache or nausea.

How do you spell torantula?

The correct spelling is "tarantula" (any of several large spiders).

How large sq km is New Zealand?

New Zealand - 268,021 km2

What eats wolf spiders?

Wolf Spiders have a large diet of foods that they eat. The spider eats frogs, grasshoppers, spiders, small mice, lizards, and insects.

What is a spider's prey?

Most spiders hunt insects. Very large spiders sometimes catch tiny animals.

What are camel spiders?

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