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Difficult terrain to build on. Heavy rains and flooding. Dense trees can make it difficult for humans to get around.

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Q: What makes it difficult to live in a African tropical rainforest?
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What makes a tropical rainforest a tropical rainforest?

It is distinct from it Biomeology Climate/Drouting. It also contains chemicals that no other biome has discovered

Why are tropical rainforest trees different heights?

because its hotter in the rainforest, witch makes heat. and hits the ruits, and ,makes stuff grow

What makes the ecosystem unique?

the variety of vast areas ie savana tundra desert tropical rainforest

Which Canadian province has a rain forest?

British Columbia is the province with a rain forest. You can find said rainforest in Pacific Rim National Park Reserve of Canada. It is a temperate rainforest, meaning lots of rain, but nothing tropical. What makes a rainforest? Lots of rain, and lots of trees.

What does the rainforest do to the environment?

the rainforest makes its very wet

What are two animals that are dependent on each other in the tropical rainforest?

The whale and the fish because the fish eats stuff of the whale which is food for the fish and makes the whale less covered in stuff.

Does the tilt of the Earth's axis affect the rain forest?

Yes it does. The Earth's tilt causes there to be more direct sunlight in the tropical rainforest. The direct sunlight then causes for accelerated evaporation which makes the tropical rain forest wet and hot almost completely year round.

What makes a rainforest a rainforest?

the biome makes a rainforest a rainforest. (a biome is the climate, animal life and plant life)take the word and break it into two. a forest is a land with lots of trees and plants and sometimes animals. so put rain back into it and it's a forest that has lots of rain because of the location and/or climateAnimals and trees and all the nature around it makes up a RAINFOREST.

What makes African rivers difficult to use for boat travel?

there are too many bushes the weather becomes too harsh

Why would a vegetable garden grow better a tropical rainforest in Malaysia or in a backyard in Tennessee?

A vegetable garden would grow better in a backyard in Tennessee because the soil that makes up tropical areas is laterite, which contains little organic matter and few nutrients that benefits plant growth.

How is the rainforest related to the greenhouse effect?

The rainforest makes clean air "eating" the carbon dixdode ( can't spell it) and making the greenhouse less dangerous but people are destroying the rainforest this makes the greenhouse more dangerous for us.

Would you find a rain forest in Alaska?

No. Rainforests are in the the Tropics. Alaska is tundra. Tundra is mild in summer and very cold in winter... INCORRECT... Alaska has a quite varied terrain, not just tundra. Rainforests come in two varieties: tropical and temperate. At least seven states in the USA have temperate rainforests, the majority of which stretch from northern California along the coast up to Alaska with a few more in the Appalachian area of North Carolina, Georgia, and Tennessee. The two most famous temperate rainforests in the USA are probably the Hoh Rainforest on the Olympic Peninsula in Washington and most of the Tongass National Forest in Alaska. The existence of rainforests in the northern reaches of the Appalachians is debated as apparently the definition of what makes a rainforest isn't exact. In fact, you will often see the Hoh Rainforest referred to as the only true rainforest in the lower 48 states of America (the Hawaiian islands hold many tropical rainforests of course).