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Q: What makes my redbud tree die out on one side?
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Some plants will but most don't. ( like an apple tree makes apples then they fall but the tree doesn't die. )

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the tree stops making chlorophyll in the winter. (the chlorophyll is the stuff in the leaves that makes them green)

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Everything organic dies at some point, being part of the bark of a tree makes it more susceptible to to damage and death.

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As the Maple is deciduous it's leaves fall in the Autumn, but the tree does not die.

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they die and it is a seedling of a reedwood. a baby tree.

When did Jeremy Tree die?

Jeremy Tree died in 1993.

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Felicity Tree died in 1978.

When did Lambert Tree die?

Lambert Tree died in 1910.

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Ronald Tree died in 1976.

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All plants eventually die. See the question "How long does a palm tree live?"