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Q: What makes pp higher on Pokemon diamond?
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Related questions

Where can you find a PP max in Pokemon Diamond?

Right, You cannot get an pp max in Pokemon diamond or Pokemon pearl nor platinum!

Where do you get PP restores in Pokemon diamond?

You can find them or buy them at a place.

How much pp has confusion got on Pokemon diamond?


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What is a pp max in Pokemon Diamond?

it fully restores the pp of either all or one of your pokemons moves i forget

What moves can Ditto learn in Pokemon diamond?

Transform. 10 PP Then whatever moves the transformed Pokemon has (Only 5 PP of each move though)

How do you win a battle if you are out of pp in Pokemon Diamond?

Your Pokemon automatically attacks with a move called flail when it is out of PP. If you kept the Pokemon alive for long enough and you defeated all the opponent's with this move, then it is very possible to win a battle if you are out of PP.

What do max ethers do on Pokemon diamond?

they fully restore the pp for one move

Where can you find pp potion in Pokemon diamond?

in the poke mart deparment store

Where can you buy pp restoring items in Pokemon Diamond?

no where ha ha who ever you are

How does the Inf PP code work for Pokemon Diamond with the Action Replay?

you press start

How do you get PP MAX on Pokemon diamond?

you have to use your itemfinder and pick it up somewhere in sinnoh.