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Q: What may be causing the decrease in biodiversity?
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What type of cultivation has decrease biodiversity?

Monoculture crops such as corn or wheat field decrease biodiversity the most.

Does meiosis increase or decrease biodiversity?


What impact would a flood have on the biodiversity of a community?

biodiversity decrease, plants would die, animals would also die, overl it would decrease.

Habitat fragmentation usually leads to what?

a decrease in biodiversity.

If the variety of species in an ecosystem decreases this is a decrease in the system's?


What exactly is causing the loss of biodiversity?

Human, disease and natural disasters.

What happens to biodiversity as temperatures decrease?

Its required for both animals and plants n even most bacterias n other microorganisms to maintain the temperature usual between 20 n 40 for its body to adjust with it... Any decrease can lead to difficulty in adaptation n the organism may get extinct causing a imbalance in biological web... Dec in temperature is most severely affecting d desert animals

Why is a decrease in biodiversity bad?

Declining biodiversity lowers an ecosystem's productivity (the amount of food energy that is converted into the biomass) and lowers the quality of the ecosystem's services (which often include maintaining the soil, purifying water that runs through it, and supplying food and shade, etc.).

Human activity on and around rivers has historically meant a decrease in what?

Trees and forest Aquatic biodiversity

What would A driver traveling from a coniferous region to a tundra region most likely observe?

a decrease in biodiversity.

What is biodiversity (include genetic and species)?

Biodiversity is the variety of life on Earth. Biodiversity include the genetic variety among individuals in a species, the number of species in an ecosystem and the variety of ecosystems in the biosphere. The main factors causing the threat to biodiversity are pollution, habitat destruction, introduced species and overexploitation.

Why are higher levels of biodiversity good for ecosystem stability?

The higher the biodiversity, the higher the number of species, and the lower the rate of extinction. A decrease in biodiversity means a single species will become extinct and this will have a negative impact on other organisms for all organisms in an ecosystem are connected.