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Inherited means to receive money, a property or a title as an heir of death of the previous holder. Wrong An inherited behavior is one that is not learned. It's done automatically.

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Q: What mean inherited?
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Is inherited and inherited traits the same thing?

I think you mean inherited and inherited traits - in which case yes - they're the same.

What does inherited trait mean?

An inherited trait is a feature or characteristic of an organism that has been passed on to it in its genes.

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You inherited the genes for them to develop.

What dœs inherited mean?

passed on from many family generations

What does heritics mean?

adjectiveable to be inherited, in particular.Biology (of a characteristic) transmissible from parent to offspring.adjective: heritableLaw (of property) capable of being inherited by heirs-at-law.

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What does inherited mean?

It means received in your heritage : passed down from your parents, forebears, or ancestors. It can also apply to conditions left from a predecessor or previous holder of a position.Examples:All of his money was inherited from his uncle.An animal usually displays traits inherited from its parents.The governor inherited the problems of the previous administration.

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What does the term dowager mean?

A dowager is a widow who inherited a title or property on the death of her husband.

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Is sin inherited?

No, sin is something someone has done against another. Even though you are related to that person who committed a sin, it doesn't mean you have inherited it since everyone is born pure.

Can intelligence be inherited?

Is intelligence inherited? When it comes to the question if intelligence is inherited there can be only one answer: No! Just because the parents of a child are intelligent does not mean that their child will be as intelligent as they are. In fact: our genes define only the framework of our intelligence, which means that our genes are not