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yes all minerals are recyclable. there is a mineral cycle that takes minerals into plants then eaten by animals which die and is recycled in decomposition

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Q: What minerals can be recycled?
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Minerals that are non-renewable?

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Tthey are both dug up from under the earth where they have been for millions of years. They are both non renewable, though minerals can be recycled.

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Nutrients are found in the air, water and soil. :D

Do living things use the same water oxygen and minerals that have been used since life began?

yes.all of which have been recycled

Can minerals be recycled?

Yes, only some can be recylced though. Including Aluminum, Gold, Silver, Platinum, Copper, Nickel and Chromium.

Are minerals renewable or non - renewable resources?

They are nonrenewable. They are a finite resource no matter how vast the quantity. They can be recycled in some cases such as iron to extend their useful life.

Are minerals renewable resources or non renewable resources?

They are nonrenewable. They are a finite resource no matter how vast the quantity. They can be recycled in some cases such as iron to extend their useful life.

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Can Webkinz be recycled?

Webkinz cannot be recycled because cotton is not meant to be recycled.

Is acetate can be recycled?

yes it can be recycled