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In Back to the Future, Marty Mc Fly (Michael j Fox) goes back in time and runs into his mother as a teenger. She has fallen for him. Towards the end of the movie she finally kisses him passionatly and then pulls back appalled. She says" This is wierd. It's like kissing my brother." Don't know if there is another movie out there. This is the only one I know of.

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Q: What movie does it's like kissing your brother line come from?
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You know I used to feel that way, but you can't think like that. You have to have confidence about kissing. I mean, if you kiss someone, don't think about "Am I doing bad? Is this wrong?" Just have fun with it, and once your used to it, those insecurities won't come back and you'll like kissing so much more. good luck (;

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Well you could really kiss that person, or in some plays and movies they cover their mouths with their lips and come in really close like they're kissing. Well you could really kiss that person, or in some plays and movies they cover their mouths with their lips and come in really close like they're kissing.

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Into a... BEAR ... maybe? - yeah of course its the bear, like the title of the movie says... =) People keep saying a cave bear, but I think it's a grizzly, but black bears come in shades of brown too so I don't know!

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Just like making out kissing Just like making out kissing