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"They Came from Beyond Space" (1967). Stars Robert Hutton, Jennifer Jayne, Bernard Kay.

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Q: What movie from the 60's or 70's had sleepwalking townspeople repairing an alien ship at night?
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Where can you find the Previews in the movie Sleepwalking?

Try YouTube.

What movie is scarier alien or alien resurrection?


What alien movie is about aliens chasing a family who has a footage of an alien?

there is a movie called alien abduction: The McPhersons tape that is a movie about a family who got fotage of an alien

What alien movie is there where alien kids are killing their moms?

theres alien: resurrection

Who created the alien from the alien movie?

H.R. Giger.

What is the name of the movie where in the beginning some womens get pregnant by some alien and their belly's explode Im not talking about the movie Alien its some other movie.?

the movie is called alien vs. predator

What was the alien on monsters vs aliens movie?

everyone was an alien.

When with the 5th movie in the Alien franchise be released?

Alien is a movie franchise that has given us the movies "Alien," "Aliens," "Alien 3," and "Alien Resurrection." In 2012 it was announced that an Alien 5 was in production, but would not be released until late 2014 at the earliest.

What classic sci-fi alien movie was released in 1979?

The movie Alien directed by Ridley Scott.

Why won't there be another Alien movie?

because alien aren't as popular

How many parts are there to the movie alien that sigourney weaver plays in?

Four total: Alien Aliens Alien 3 Alien Resurrection

What movie alien captured?

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