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Book Title: Four Against the Wilderness

Movie Title: Anything to Survive or Almost to Late

I got online to find this movie but all I found was your question. After much digging and research I was able to locate titles. However, I haven't been able to locate a copy of the movie yet. Good Luck and let me know if you find it available.

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Q: What movie from the 90's I believe and not the Swiss Family Robinson but with a father and son and 2 daughters is about a family that get stranded on a winter island?
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Who is Bertie in the Swiss family Robinson?

In "Swiss Family Robinson," Bertie is a character who is one of the young sons of the Robinson family. He is adventurous and active, often participating in the family's efforts to survive and thrive on the deserted island where they are stranded.

Where is woodlands in Swiss family Robinson?

In the "Swiss Family Robinson," the woodlands are located on the deserted island where the family becomes stranded after a shipwreck. The family uses the resources from the woodlands to build shelters, furniture, and tools to survive in their new environment.

Who is the Buffalo in Swiss family Robinson?

In the novel "Swiss Family Robinson" by Johann David Wyss, the buffalo serves as a useful animal on the island where the family is stranded. It is used for labor, such as pulling carts and plowing fields.

What is the theme in the Swiss Family Robinson?

When life gives you lemons make lemonade! Just because they were stranded on an islanddoesn'tmean that they have to give up on life.

What is tentholm in the Swiss family Robinson?

In "The Swiss Family Robinson," Tentholm is a safe and elevated spot situated amidst the trees where the family constructed their tent to protect themselves from wild animals and adverse weather conditions. It served as their temporary shelter and lookout point while they were stranded on the deserted island.

Could you tell me about the Swiss family Robinson?

The Swiss family Robinson is about a family being stranded on an island and they do these things to survive. The kids are Jack, Fritz, Franz, and Earnest. There is no main character but I think it's the dad because he's the narrator. Here are some things they used for survival: cotton for clothes, logs for shelter, and cave salt.

Why is the Swiss family Robinson considered a classic?

"The Swiss Family Robinson" is considered a classic because of its timeless themes of survival, adventure, and family bonds. The story of a family stranded on a desert island and their resourcefulness in building a new life resonates with readers of all ages. Its popularity is also due to the detailed descriptions of the island's flora and fauna, providing a sense of escapism and wonder.

Where is swift in the Swiss family Robinson?

In "Swiss Family Robinson," Swift is not a physical location but rather refers to the main character's abilities in being quick, agile, and resourceful in the face of challenges. The family's resilience and adaptability are highlighted through their actions and survival skills on the island where they are stranded. So, in this context, Swift is more of a quality than a specific place.

What was the journey to the Promised Land in the book 'Swiss Family Robinson'?

In the book 'Swiss Family Robinson', the journey to the Promised Land refers to the shipwreck that leaves the Robinson family stranded on a deserted island. They must use their survival skills and ingenuity to adapt and create a new life for themselves in this unfamiliar environment. Through their resourcefulness and teamwork, they transform the island into their own version of a Promised Land.

Is Gulliver's Travels included in a trio about islands?

Gulliver's Travels is included in a quartet of books known as "the quartet about islands." This quartet includes Robinson Crusoe, Treasure Island, and The Swiss Family Robinson. These books all feature adventurers stranded on or exploring remote islands.

What was the name of the ostrich in Swiss Family Robinson?

A Tree House The Robinson family built a house in a tree after they became stranded on an island. This tree house was later named falconhurst, and they later moved into a salt cave. They originally lived in a tent on the beach were they crashed, but found it to worrisome and dangerous.

Who was the family was making accusations against tom Robinson?

The Ewell family was the family accusing Tom Robinson.