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Q: What movie has a handicap boy and a handicapped girl who want to get married?
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What is the name of the girl who played in the movie taking care of a handicap man?

Helen Hunt starred in "The Sessions" (2012).

Would a girl date a handicapped guy?

=I am a girl, so speaking for most girls I say "yes" a girl would date a handicapped guy! Definetly!! ~Courtney=

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Did moses have a son in the movie Prince Of Egypt?

No, he did not have a son during the movie, he just got married to that one girl that I can not remember the name of.

What is the movie called when a 13 year old girl gets married?

moonrise kingdom possibly

What girl gets married in the movie What is your raashee?

in whats your rashee Sanjana gets married to Yogesh but it is not originally like that in the book but you need to watch it its the best movie ever and all the songs are great

Does Alice in Wonderland have polio?

No, but the idea is intriguing. There have been some popular handicapped authors (who usually concealed their handicap) who very often wrote for the young, such as Robert Louis Stevenson who had a mobility handicap, which may have been undiagnosed polio. Then you might be suggesting that if a little girl were confined to quarters with nothing to do, then she might tend towards a fantasy life or a literary escape hatch. However, neither polio nor any other disease directly enters the Alice story line.

Why physically fit girl does not want to marry a handicapped boy?

You are referring to a girl and boy and in this case it means they are very young and immature. There are young women that will marry a handicapped young man and a young man that will marry a handicapped girl. Young girls may not be mature enough to understand that most handicapped people are quite capable of doing many things in life and it does not make the young man in question any less a man. Marriage is meant to be for a lifetime and throughout that marriage either mate can become extremely ill with a disease or handicapped and true love prevails and the spouse has no problem with tending to their spouse's needs. That is what love is about.

Who played the president's mistress in The American President?

Annette Bening played the president's girl friend. The president in the movie was not married.

Do a girl want to be wife of physicully handicapped?

Some women meet and fall in love with physically handicapped men, and then marry them. If you love a person, their physical disability doesn't matter. It would be rare to find a woman that seeks out physically handicapped men to date. Although if a woman is also handicapped, she may feel more comfortable dating men in a similar situation.

What is the difference between woman and girl?

girl means not married and women is married

Who is Marty friedman married to?

married to a girl