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Q: What movies is 'Don't be a Menace to South-Side While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood' parodying in the scene where Dave Chapelle tries to offer a cheeseburger to Ashtray?
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How can I prevent catching mono from my sister?

Don't share saliva. Kissing was the "cute" way of discussing this infectious virus. Toothbrushes, eating utensils, straws and drinking from the same cup or biting off the same cheeseburger are all ways to spread mono.

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You are simply drinking tea .

Where did the computer screen originate?

the computer screen originaed when a guy called frank fell upon a magical unicorn eating a cheeseburger from France drinking french milk with cookies which PAUL knows NOTHING about!!!!!!! when frank fell upon the magical cheesburger eating unicorn he asked where does the computer screen originate...... the unicorn replied how do i know??? im not even a human.....

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Drinking,drinking and drinking

Drinking to have fun is called?

Recreational drinking is drinking for fun in a safe and responsible manner.

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When you say "drinking", it carries the connotation of drinking alcohol, drinking alcohol to excess, and becoming addicted to it.

What are Facts about drinking alcohol?

Drinking in moderation can be good for you and drinking abusively can be bad for you.

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A drinking goblet

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there is no drinking age