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He's witty, introspective, gracious, impulsive, intuitive, friendly, conflicted, violent, tolerant, forgiving, charismatic, handsome, fashionable, and an excellent swordsman. All of characteristics could be illustrated with quotations from the text.

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15y ago
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12y ago

Strengths :



Ability to reason

Development (rise to the Save the occasion)



Irresponsibility/General disregard


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11y ago

You really need to be specific. Hamlet veers from being depressed, to being angry, to being sarcastic, to being playful, to being charming, to being vicious, to being snarky, to being triumphant, often in the same speech.

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15y ago

introspective, intelligent, loyal, unpredictable,

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14y ago

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Depressed- his father was murdered by his own brother!

Comical- He pretends to go mad

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13y ago

Just Highlighting Characteristics of Hamlet: He Was a Ironic Critic-A ruthless Killer-He was a Loving son-A bloody Revenger- Devoted Son-A witty Trickster-A sincere lover

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he feels really good because he thinks he is cool

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Q: What overall personal characteristics would you use to summarize Hamlet?
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What is a key question of the theme in Hamlet?

How do you balance your honor and ideals with your own personal desires? The theme of Hamlet is revenge and its costs. For Hamlet, it means the loss of his love, Ophelia, and eventually his own life, when he finally resolves to avenge his father.

Summarize ophelia's remarks after hamlet leaves her?

Her speech commences "O what a noble mind is here o'erthrown!" This summarizes the bulk of the speech, which is that Hamlet used to be admirable but now he's just nuts. To this she adds that it's too bad for her, after sucking "the honey of his music vows" and falling in love with him.

How do you summarize act IV scene IV in Hamlet the soliloquy?

Act IV, Scene iv in Hamlet ends with his soliloquy. He muses about his motivations and how he needs to move forward with his revenge. At the end of the speech, he steels himself to only focus and act on his bloody thoughts (those that drive him toward his revenge on his uncle). However, later Hamlet will show that this resolve is only in his words and not his actions.

What about Hamlet relates to your life?

Many people can relate their own life to Hamlet. He is often times depressed and very impulsive in his actions. Like many people, he also disapproves much of what his own mother does. Although he is educated, he is often edgy and very compulsive. These characteristics are very realistic of someone in more contemporary times.

How would you summarize Act 3 Scene 1 in Hamlet?

Polonius and Claudius send Ophelia to talk to Hamlet to see how he responds to her. They wanted to find out if Hamlet truly was mad because of his love for Ophelia.Hamlet asks whether it is better to live or not to live. Should people suffer with what is going on around them or should they fight? He says that the only reason he and other people are not committing suicide is because they are scared of what might happen to them after death.The king's view has changed. He does not believe that the madness was caused by his love for Ophelia"Madness in great ones must not unwatched go." The king says this because he is not truly sure if Hamlet is mad because of Ophelia or not. He realizes that Hamlet is clever and could be up to something. He could think that Hamlet knew that Polonius and he were spying on him with Ophelia.

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Questions you could ask to develop each element in the prewriting process?

A.It should tie personal experience to the literary work.What details reflect how Hamlet relates to my life?B.It should include subjective elements.How does my personal experience tie into broader themes?C.It should include objective elements.What about Hamlet relates to my life?D.StructureHow can I summarize what I want to say in a concise thesis statement?

Who is more famous overall Hamlet or Miley Cyrus?

Miley Cyrus ofcourse. Hamlet was gay while Miley is straight. hence more famous

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What are some characteristics of a tregedy?

If you mean tragedy, how about Hamlet and Ophelia or Romeo and Juliet.

How do Hamlet's struggles reflect my own life?

Tie personal to literary

What does it mean point of attack in theatre?

The point in the overall story where the play begins.IE. In Oedipus Rex, the Point of Attack is near the end of the overall story, where in Hamlet it is near the beginning of the Overall story.

How does your personal experience tie into broader themes?

My personal experience informs my understanding of broader themes by providing me with real-life examples to draw from. It allows me to relate to and empathize with others who may be going through similar situations. By reflecting on my own experiences, I can gain insights that contribute to a deeper understanding of universal themes such as love, loss, and resilience.

What do you call a small town?

A small town is often referred to as a village or a hamlet, depending on its size and characteristics.

What is a key question of the theme in Hamlet?

How do you balance your honor and ideals with your own personal desires? The theme of Hamlet is revenge and its costs. For Hamlet, it means the loss of his love, Ophelia, and eventually his own life, when he finally resolves to avenge his father.

Summarize ophelia's remarks after hamlet leaves her?

Her speech commences "O what a noble mind is here o'erthrown!" This summarizes the bulk of the speech, which is that Hamlet used to be admirable but now he's just nuts. To this she adds that it's too bad for her, after sucking "the honey of his music vows" and falling in love with him.

How do you summarize act IV scene IV in Hamlet the soliloquy?

Act IV, Scene iv in Hamlet ends with his soliloquy. He muses about his motivations and how he needs to move forward with his revenge. At the end of the speech, he steels himself to only focus and act on his bloody thoughts (those that drive him toward his revenge on his uncle). However, later Hamlet will show that this resolve is only in his words and not his actions.

Column 1 lists elements of reflective essays Column 2 lists questions you could ask to develop each element in the prewriting process Match the elements with the relevant question?

it should tie personal experience to the literary work.=What about Hamlet relates to my life?it should include subjective elements=what details reflect how hamlet relates to my life?it should include objective elements=how does my personnal experience tie into broader themesstructure=how can i summarize what i want to sat in a concise thesis statementTie personal to literary-How do Hamlet's struggles reflect my own life?Subjective elements-What details from my life would illustrate my connection to Hamlet?Objective elements-How can I relate my own experiences to those of others?Structure-How can I crystallize my essay in a concise summary paragraph?Tie personal to literary- Relate characters to yourselfSubjective elements- Tell about your experienceObjective elements-Relate your experience to broader themesStructure-Include a thesis statement, conclusion, etc