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Tic Tock McGlaughlin was the sportscaster, played by William H. Macy. His array of noisemakers never failed to amuse. With television still decades in the future, radio was all-important for information and entertainment.

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Q: What part in the movie seabiscuit did Tic Tock McGlaughlin have?
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The movie seabiscuit began in what time period?

Seabiscuit:The Lost Documentary, 1939. The Legend of Seabiscuit, 1949 (fictionalized). Seabiscuit, 2003. These are the ones that I know of. It is possible that an obscure film, most likely short, that has escaped my notice but it's doubtful. There are MovieTone shorts that ran between feature films in theaters at the height of Seabiscuit's fame. These shorts are part of the lost documentary film of 1939, and for all Seabiscuit lovers it's a must-see.

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For me, the best part is the climax or the middle part of the movie.

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