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You're thinking of Team Buddies One of my favorite childhood games.

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Q: What playstation 1 game has like little bean people fighting with like guns and tanks?
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In World War 2 what was the most thing like a tank used for fighting?

What? WW2 was the second war with tanks fighting tanks.

Where do the US is tanks come from?

Who makes the US tanks. Fighting planes and. War ships

How many tanks in a squadron?

There are three tanks in a squadron. A squadron is divided into tanks, fighting headquarters, and administrative headquarters. There are five tank troops with three tanks each.

How were the tanks used in World War 1?

the tanks were used in world war one as tracked aromerd fighting vechile

Is the war in Aganistain the same as the Vietnam war?

When Afghanistan jet fighters are fighting US jet fighters. When Afghanistan tanks are fighting US tanks. When Afghanistan warships are fighting US warships. When Afghanistan soldiers are fighting US soldiers. Then it will be like Vietnam. Right now, it just a law enforcement issue; finding terrorists, arresting them, or terminating them.

Why wasn't Germany allowed to use tanks for fighting?

Not sure what war you are asking about, but in WW2 they did use tanks. There were Panzer divisions and units. Rommel was the commander of one in Africa.

How did leonardos tanks affect your world society and environment?

Italian tanks were very inferior to British tanks in the desert war. So there was very little effect.

Who was the first to use tanks?

The British in WW1. A little known fact is that Henry Ford designed and built tanks.

Why were tanks important in battle of el alamein?

Fighting on FOOT in the desert sands would have exhausted the infantrymen. Just walking in sand (and the hot sun) is enough disable an army. Tanks enabled an army to move, and carry water, food, and ammo while fighting.

Are there anygames on facebook like Red Crucible 2 that have ground fighting with people or tanks and air fighting with helicopters and airplanes?

I'm not a big Facebook user like most people, so i couldn't tell you that. however, if you do want to feel that kind of fighting, Id recommend playing Battlefield 3. Although its not a PC game, it still has people with tanks, and helicopters and airplanes. There's many types of game modes as well (Conquest, Team deathmatch, etc.). Although i was unable to answer your question, I'm sure someone may come along and click on the improve button.

Your Dwarf Gourami is fighting with your Red Fire Dwarf Gourami Please Help?

Put them in separate tanks

Can a knight anole be kept with a bearded dragon?

Well, you should probably keep them in separate tanks due to fighting, injuring, and reproducing. Leave each in at least 30 by 20 inch tanks. okay?