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this question so does not relate to the topic but ladybugs do

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Q: What protects leaves?
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Do leaves have an epidermis that protects the plant?


What part of the plant protects a young flower?

What protects young flowers and leaves? The petals do. They protect them from storms and insects.

What is the function of the cuticle?

protects the leaves from excess of water or loss of water.

What do you call dead leaves that have fallen from trees?

dead leaves fallen under trees form a layer of DUFF which protects the ground from moisture evaporation

How does an orangutan monkey protects itself?

by climbing trees and using leaves to make them self look bigger

What part of a leaf helps protect the plant the epidermis pore chloroplasts?

Yes leaves do have an epidermis that protects the plant.

Why are some leaves more shiny on the top?

Because the are covered with a waxy cuticle layer which protects the leaf from dehydration.

What is one of the outermost rings of modified leaves that protect the flower bud?

Modified leaf that protects a flower bud

Leafy thing that protects the petals?

i think the leafy thing is the leaves i really do and it might protect the petals while in the bud!

What capability of flavonoids found in plants protects their leaves from damage due to ultraviolet light?

Their ability to absorb ultraviolet light.

Why do leaves give off moisture?

Yes plants are waterproof. They have a waxy layer over the leaf which is called the curicle and this keeps any water to be soaked up by the leaves.

What is the name of the waxy coating on leaves?

Leaves have a waxy layer on top of their epidermis layer called the cuticle. This waxy surface protects the leaves from sunburn, dessication (drying out) and reduces attacks by fungi, bacteria, virus particles and insects.