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Q: What reforms did Benjamin disraeli and the conservitative party help pass?
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Conservative party leader who worked for reforms?

Benjamin Disraeli

Who was the leader of the conservation party?

Benjamin Disraeli

Who was the party leader?

Benjamin disraeli

Who was the leader of the conservative party and prime minister in Britain who fought for social reforms?

Give me $5 and i'll answer it- no fak you, it's benjamin disraeli

Which political party was Benjamin disraeli from?


Who was the leader Conservative Party?

Benjamin disraeli

Which political party was Benjamin Disraeli a member of?


What was Benjamin Disraeli the leader of in the 19Th century?

Conservative Party

What is some information on Benjamin Disraeli?

Benjamin Disraeli was the British Prime minister from 1852-1874. He was one of the founding fathers on the modern Conservative Party. He held a very close relationship with Queen Victoria and in 1876, became Earl of Beaconsfield and moved to the House of Lords.

Who was Benjamin Disraeli?

Liberal party leader who supported home rule and the vote for working men

What women was Benjamin Disraeli involved with before his parliament years?

Benjamin Disraeli is a former British Prime Minister who played a major part in the construction of the modern day Conservative Party in the UK. He was known for being with several women before becoming Prime Minister, most famously Lady Henrietta Sykes who was a married woman.

The majority of the reforms advocated by the Populist Party were?

The majority of reforms advocated by the Populist Party were incorporated into laws by either the state or federal government.