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Q: What rock is considered the parent rock?
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What rock is chert the parent rock of?

Nothing, Chert has a parent rock and is made of mostly fossils and silica. It is not a parent rock. It has a parent rock.

What is limestones parent rock?

Limestone does not have a parent rock.

What is in weathered parent rock?

soil is in weathered parent rock

What is the parent rock of phyllite?

Phyllite is a foliated metamorphic rock whose parent rock is slate.

What is the parent rock of marble and how can we test it?

The parent rock of marble can be composed of calcite or dolomite. Thus, it can be one of several rock types, often limestone (though it can conceivably also be dolomite or travertine, etc.). Limestone is considered to be the most common parent rock of marble. Since it is composed of calcite, it can be tested with dilute hydrochloric acid. If it bubbles, it is composed of calcite, and is probably marble.

What is the parent rock of limestone?

Limestone doesn't normally have a parent rock. One exception to this may be a detrital limestone, whose parent rock would however also be limestone!

Is marble and limestone an example of a metamorphic rock and its parent rock?

Yes. Limestone is the parent rock, or protolith, of marble.

How do you put the word parent rock in a sentence?

the parent rock helps protect soil

What is parent rock of Muscovite schist?

Gneiss is a high grade metamorphic rock, the product of various rock types being exposed to intense pressures and heat under the surface of the Earth. Orthogneiss is a gneiss whose parent rock was igneous, and paragneiss is a gneiss whose parent rock was sedimentary.

How does parent rock affect soil?

Soil comes from parent rock. Due to weathering the action of plant roots etc the parent rock is broken up and over many years gets incorporated into the soil. So the composition of the parent rock will affect the soil that develops over it. The soil could be lacking in certain minerals due to the parent rock. The soil could be acidic or basic due to the parent rock. But there is more to soil composition than just the parent rock.

What is the parent rock of metaconglomerate?

Conglomerate Rock.

Which rock is called parent rock?

rock called basalt