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Menelaus of Sparta was the Spartan King that was the true husband of Helen. Paris, a Trojan Prince, stole Helen from Menelaus and brought her back to Troy.

Before this happened, you need to know some things. Helen was the most beautiful woman in the world. She had many suitors, and finally her father asked for help from Oddyeseus, King of Ithaca. Oddyseues said that Helen's father should ask all the suitors to take an oath that they will abide by Helen's father's choice and that if Helen is stolen from the man chosen, everyone must go out and hunt down that man.

When Helen was stolen by Paris, everyone that was a suitor of Helen needed to take all his men and fight for Helen. This is was started the Trojan War.

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Q: What role did king Menelaus of Sparta play in the Trojan war?
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