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The hemisphere tilted toward the Sun experiences longer days (late spring, summer, early fall). The hemisphere tilted away from the Sun experiences shorter days (late fall, winter, early spring). At the equinoxes, around September 23 and March 20, both hemispheres experience about the same amount of daylight.

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It's the vernal equinox in one hemisphere and the autumnal equinox in the other. The hemisphere that was receiving the sun's direct light the previous day is going from summer into autumn (fall). The hemisphere that receives the sun's direct light the following day is going from winter into spring.

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Q: What season is it when the earth is tilted sideways to the sun in the northern and southern hemispheres?
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What are the different season in the northern and southern hemispheres?

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If it is winter in Australia, it is summer in the US. The Northern and Southern Hemispheres have opposite seasons.

What season is it in the northern hemispheres?

Firstly,there's only one northern hemisphere. Secondly, it depends what month you're in right now. Lastly,all 4 seasons happen in both the northern and southern hemispheres. -Monicalovesu

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During the southern hemisphere's winter, it would be winter in that town. At the same time, it is summer in the northern hemisphere. If you mean what season does a town in the southern hemisphere experience when it is winter in the northern hemisphere, then the answer is summer, as the two hemispheres have opposing seasons.

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The seasons differ by six months between the northern and southern hemispheres. The spring season is from about March 21st until June 21st in the northern hemisphere and from September 21st until December 21st in the southern hemisphere.

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Spring is not a month, it is a SEASON. The season of spring starts on the day of an Equinox and continues to the flowing Solstice, a period of about 3 calendar months. Obviously the equinox start point depends on which of the Northern or Southern hemispheres you are asking about. In the northern hemisphere spring starts on or about the 20th March, in the Southern Hemisphere Spring starts on or about September 22.

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The Northern and Southern Hemisphere