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Q: What state was named from 2 Chippewa Indian words mici and zibi?
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State whose name comes from the Chippewa Indian?

Michigan: From Chippewa words mici gama meaning "great water," after thelake of the same name.Mississippi: Chippewa; mici zibi, "great river" or "gathering-in of all the waters." Also: Algonquin word, "Messipi."Wisconsin: An Indian name, spelled Ouisconsin and Mesconsing by early chroniclers. Believed to mean "grassy place" in Chippewa. Congress made it Wisconsin.

What water body is the origin of the Mississippi river?

Mississippi is perhaps from the Ojibwa (Chippewa) Indian words ''mici zibi '',which means great river or gathering of waters.

What does Mississippi mean?

Mississippi is from an Indian word meaning "Father of Waters". The translation comes from the Chippewa words "mici zibi" meaning "great river" or "gathering in of all the waters" and the Algonquin and French word "Messipi".

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Three places that have Native American names?

There are thousands of places with Indian names. In fact, the majority of states were named from Indian words. Among them are Connecticut, Tennessee, Texas, the Dakotas, Iowa , Ohio and Oklahoma. Plus there are rivers as in the Mississippi and streets named after Indian words.

What does it Mississippi river name mean?

The Native American (Indian) name meant "Father of Waters".The Anishinaabe were a group of tribes including the Ojibwe (Chippewa) and Algonquin tribes. In their language, the words "Mici zibi" (Misi-ziibi) meant "great river" or "gathering in of all the waters". This was rendered by the French as "Messipi".

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The state of Vermont is named after the French 'vert mont', literally "green mount".

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It means pleasant and educated, this name came from an Indian god, named Saraswati. Also it means mind and heart in other words love, it is named after the goddess Manasa.

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How do you say famliy in chippewa language?

The Anishinaabe (Ojibwe or Chippewa) language has many words referring to a family unit or family:inoodewiziwin (family)ingodoode (one family unit)ningodoode (one family)ningodwezhaan (one family)enigokoodewizig (whole family)

Oklahoma how it got the name?

The state's name is derived from the Choctaw Indian words okla and humma, meaning "red people".

How do you spell chouqouta?

There are no English words close to that spelling. Some possibilities include:Choctaw - American Indian tribechouquettes - small French puff pastrieschiquita - Spanish dimuntive for girl (chica)Chautauqua - a US adult education movement that began in 1876, named for a lake in NY state