

Best Answer

A+Ls** it focuses on traditional values of family,religion and morality.

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Q: What statement best describes a sentimental novel of the 1800s?
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What statement best describes a sentimental novel of 1800s?

A+Ls** it focuses on traditional values of family,religion and morality.

What type of literary work focuses on traditional values of family religion morality and social reform?

sentimental novel

What was not emphasized by the sentimental novel?

deductioninductiongratuitous violenceblood and gorelogic

To which early novel did Henry Fielding react strongly finding it overly sentimental?

Richardson's Pamela is the novel Henry Fielding reacted to strongly finding it overly sentimental.

Which was not emphasized by the sentimental novel?

Social critique and realism were not typically emphasized by the sentimental novel genre, which instead focused on evoking emotional reactions and moral sentiments in readers. Themes of virtue, morality, and the power of emotions were central to sentimental novels.

Is Treasure Island a classic novel?

Yes, TI is a classic novel, written in 1800s

What is a novel of sentiment?

A sentimental novel is one that relies on the emotional response of characters and readers. It celebrates sentiment. This was a popular genre in the 18th century.

What type of literary work focuses on traditional values of family religion morality and reform?

sentimental novel

Read discussion first What were the concerns of the domestic novel?

hearth and home, usually concerned with tragicoccurrences, usually sentimental.

What type of literacy work focuses on traditional values of family religion morality and social reform?

sentimental novel

Which statement describes how the language of a text develops a theme?

The narrator's constant use of the word "girl" to describe his adult wife suggests the inequality between men and women at the forefront of the novel.

What least describes jarvis lorry?

Jarvis Lorry is a character in Charles Dickens' novel "A Tale of Two Cities." He is a reliable and loyal employee at Tellson's Bank. He is known for his practical nature and dedication to his work, which contrasts with his sentimental side that emerges later in the story.