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Q: What the meaning of bird making nest at entrance of your door?
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What is the meaning of the filipino word bukana?

"Bukana" in Filipino means 'opening' or 'entrance', typically referring to an opening in a physical structure like a cave or door.

Who invent door?

The door was first invented for the purpose of making the entrance of home beautiful. Carved door cases had beautifully carved designs. Door came about in the 18th century.

What is building entrance?

The entrance to a building is a door.

Front Entrance Door?

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What is the entrance of a house called?

The front entrance inside a home is the "foyer". In the UK we call it a door, front door, back door, patio door etc.

What meaning of threshold?

The plank, stone, or piece of timber, which lies under a door, especially of a dwelling house, church, temple, or the like; the doorsill; hence, entrance; gate; door., Fig.: The place or point of entering or beginning, entrance; outset; as, the threshold of life.

What is the name of the door rotating entrance to a building?

Revolving door.

What does door stand for?

Entrance or exit

What is the entrance to a building called?

a door?

What is another word for Backside entrance?

Also known as back-door entrance.

What is a hink pink for a entrance to a shop?

"store door"

What is the latin for DOOR?

foris -is , f. [a door]; plur. fores, [folding-doors]. Transf., [any opening, entrance].ianua -ae f. [door; entrance , approach].ostium -i n. [door]; in gen. [entrance]; 'fluminis' , [mouth].