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Q: What time does it go dark in mallorca in September?
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It is safe to go anywhere in Spain.

Where can you find a guide for private tour in Palma de Mallorca?

There are lots of private guide companies but one which comes recommended are Mallorca Tour Guides This site has a list of guides: and if you want to go it alone try:

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What time is it going to go dark tonight?

it will be dark at 10 mins past 4

Does anybody know any good beaches or places to go in Mallorca or other wise known as Majorca?

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When is the best time to go to Madagascar?

Around September to November (:

A good hotel in Spain mallorca?

There is a fantastic apartment in mallorca that i stayed in. If you go on owners direct and where it says property ref type in b952 and you can email her at and she is lovely. i stayed there and it a fantastic 2 bedroom apartment by the sea with a great view on the balcony

Is mallorca a holiday paradise or not?

It can be or not whether if you go to the north or to the south it is a beautiful island but I'll rather go to Cordoba in the south of Spain is very beautiful and has lots of monuments.

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Still warm. Not bad to visit

When can you beat Darkrai on Pokemon time?

After you beat the bosses of agiss cave, spacail rift, sory about spelling. Then creselia will ask if you want to go to dark crater. Say yes. You have to get through dark crater then save and go to deep dark crater.

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i think i read where September is the quietest time to go to DisneyWorld Florida