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For the Northern hemisphere's winter, the Tropic of Capricorn.

For the Southern Hemisphere's winter, the Tropic of Cancer.

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Q: What tropic is the sun over on the first day of winter?
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On the first day of spring and fall the sun is located over the?

For spring the tropic of Cancer, for fall the tropic of Capricorn (i think, because I'm pretty sure that summer it's over the equator, but I'm a little fuzzy as to where it is in the winter. but I'm still pretty sure the equinox's are over the tropics.)

When is the first day of winter in November?

The first day of winter is never in November.

What line of latitude does the sun directly hit on the first day of winter?

Northern-hemisphere Winter begins when the sun reaches its farthest positionsouth, on or about December 22, appearing overhead on the Tropic of Capricornat about 231/2°south latitude.Southern-hemisphere Winter begins when the sun reaches its farthest positionnorth, on or about June 21, appearing overhead on the Tropic of Cancer at about231/2° north latitude.

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What is the first day of winter in the southern hemisphere

When is the first day of winter in arizona?

December 21/22 is the official first day of winter

Is the first day of spring a solstice?

The first day of spring is an equinox, as is the first day of autumn. Solstices occur on the first day of winter and the first day of summer.

What is the first day of Winter 2009?

December 21 is the official day of winter.

What is the first day of winter called?

the winter solsctice

What month has the first day of winter?

December. The first day of winter is the solstice, usually around the 21st of the month.

Season shadow changes. How do the seasons change the angles of the sun?

If the axis on which the Earth is spinning. one revolution per day, were perfectly vertical there would be no seasons. The sun would be over the Equator at all times night and day, summer and winter. However the Earth's axis is tilted. This means that during one year, as the Earth goes round the Sun, the Sun is only over the Equator on two days a year. The rest of the time it is either moving north to the Tropic of Cancer and back or south to the Tropic of Capricorn and back. So someone in England or USA would have the smallest,shortest shadow on the day the Sun was above the Tropic of Cancer (Midsummer Day) and the longest when the Sun was over the Tropic of Capricorn (Midwinter Day). The opposite would apply for an Australian.

Does summer or winter have more day light houres?

Summer. The first day of summer is the longest day of the year. The first day of winter is the shortest day of the year.

What is the first day of winter in Britain?

December 21/22 is the official day of winter.