Rockies and Sierra mountains.. If this is for the unit 3 Latin America: Physical paper, then that's the right answer cause I made a 100 nikka
the two mountain ranges of Argentina are the Cordillera de Lipez and the Sierras de Cordoba. Ihope I have answered your question.
The mountain range that runs along the west coat of South America is called the Andes. The Andean range is composed principally of two great ranges, the Cordillera Oriental and the Cordillera Occidental, often separated by a deep intermediate depression, When Pangea (all continents together) existed, it ran onto Antarctica. Part of the Andes is in Antarctica!
the coast mountains and percells
The two mountain ranges in the Sahara deserts are Ahaggar and the Atlas Mountains.
Karakoram and Himalaya
Two other mountain ranges are the Himalayas in Asia and the Andes in South America.
The Andes and the Sierra Madre are two mountain ranges located in Latin America. The Andes stretch along the western coast of South America, while the Sierra Madre runs through Mexico and Central America.
The two largest and highest mountain ranges in the world are the Himalayas in Asia and the Andes in South America.
The two major mountain ranges in the western portion of the Americas are the Rocky Mountains in North America and the Andes Mountains in South America.
The two main mountain ranges of the Cordillera are the Rocky Mountains in North America and the Andes Mountains in South America.
The two mountain ranges are the Himalayas, located in Asia, and the Andes, located in South America.
The Andes are an extension of the North American Rocky Mountains and the South American mountains that continue up through Central America.
Two mountain ranges in the Western Hemisphere are the Rocky Mountains in North America and the Andes Mountains in South America.
Convergent boundaries are responsible for creating mountain ranges. When two tectonic plates collide, the land is forced upwards, creating intense pressure that results in the formation of mountain ranges. Examples of mountain ranges formed by convergent boundaries include the Himalayas and the Andes.
heeheh i have the same Q
Rocky mountains and Appalachian Mountains
Since there are two mountain ranges in Chile (the Andes and the Coast range) there are plenty of mountains. The higher mountain (actually is a volcano) is in the Andes mountain range, and it is called 'Ojos del Salado'. It is the highest volcano in the world and the 2nd highest peak in South America at 6,893 metres (22,615 ft).