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Q: What type of fracture does obsidian have?
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Does obsidian exhibits conchoidal fracture?

Obsidian does have a conchoidal fracture.

What is obsidian's cleavage?

Obsidian does not have cleavage because of the way it forms. Obsidian is essentially nature's form of glass and so it has no regular or patterned crystal structure. Without that crystal structure, there is no cleavage.

Why is obsidian so smooth?

Obsidian is a natural glass, often formed in volcanoes. It has a smooth glassy texture, and will commonly fracture with a curved fracture plane called conchoidal fracture, after the resemblance to the shape of a shell. Usually black because of the trace iron content.

How much inches high is obsidian?

Obsidian is not identified, classified, or described by height. It is described by its texture, fracture, hardness, and chemical composition.

What is a type of obsidian?

Mahogany Obsidian

Which mineral is easily identified by its concoidal fracture?

Obsidian. It commonly is dark because of the Fe contamination.

Is it Obsidian a natural gas?

Obsidian is a type of glassy lava not a gas.

What rock is actually glass and has sharp edges?

Obsidian is a natural volcanic glass with potentially sharp fracture edges.

Why is The texture of obsidian is best described as glassy?

I can break like glass (fracture) and it looks like black glass and can be sharp

What is the obsidian rock type?

Obsidian is an extrusive felsic igneous rock.

What type of fracture is associated with a weakness in a bone?

Pathological fracture

Fracture codes are codes based on?

fracture type