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Q: What types of rocks make up this landform?
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What types rocks make up plates?

Why cant you just look it up? Its granite btw

Why are there more different types of rocks then minerals?

Elements make up minerals, and minerals make up rocks. There are more combinations of minerals (themselves combinations) than elements.

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What two types of rocks make up the lithosphere?

There are actually three - metamorphic, igneous, and sedimentary

What are the 3 types of rocks that make up the earth's crust?

If I recall correctly, the answer is: igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary.

What landform make up Nepal?

Nepal is a landlocked country.

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H20 and stuff

Do sedimentary rocks have different types of rocks mixed in them?

Sedimentary rock does have different type of rock because when shells,sand, and soil pick up and become rock that combination can make 100 different types of rocks because of the minerals,size,and shape.

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Do rocks have to have minerals?

"Minerals" are the compounds that make up rocks. A rock may have several types of minerals in it. Unless a rock is composed 100% of a single element, it contains minerals.

What type of material can make up sediments?

The types of material are: loose pieces of rocks, minerals, pieces of plant and animal remians.

What is a geology map?

A geology map is a map that, rather than showing the cities, roads and rivers in an area, shows the types of rocks that make up the area. There are different types of geology maps: a surficial geology map shows the rock types and soil types found right at the surface. A bedrock geology map shows the type of rocks that make up the solid rock underneath the soils and dirt at the surface.