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it would mostly be in the rainforest because it is close so it would be koala nuts and berries

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Q: What types of vegetation are common in the Sahel?
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What are the vegetation types of nigeria?

Nigerian's vegetation ranges from tropics in the south to Savannah in the north.

Which Nigerian state is within the sahel vegetation?

I can't answer it, tell me.

What are the three vegetation zones of west Africa?

the vegetation zones are Savannah and Steppe.

What types if vegetation common in a marine west coast climate?

Forest is the most common.

What do the words Swahili and Sahel have in common?

Both Swahili and Sahel are names of regions in Africa. Swahili refers to a language and culture found in East Africa, particularly along the Swahili Coast. Sahel refers to a region in Africa that stretches across multiple countries, characterized by a semi-arid climate and distinct vegetation.

Does Nigeria have deserts?

Nigeria is a country in the western part of Africa located between the tropic of Cancer and north of the equator. It has 2 major types of vegetation, A rich tropical rain forest in the South and Savanna vegetation in central Nigeria and North. The savanna vegetation is further divided into 3 types, The Guinea savanna in central Nigeria, Sudan Savanna and the Sahel savannah.

Why should African's save the sahel?

Because the Sahel is an important part of Africa. It has many resources that Africa needs, like vegetation, food (animals), and some water. :)

What types of animals live in the Sahel?

Cows; sheep

What does sahel mean in Africa?

A Sahel is a strip of land that divides the desert from the wetter areas. A Sahel has a steppe climate which means rainfall varies there from year to year. it is also quite dry, but does provide some vegetation for animals to graze. A sahel is the fringe of the desert. A desert can spread and grow because of overgrazing and deforestation. The sahel is the edge which is spreading.

What deals with the types of vegetation?

Can't understand you question.Are you asking 'What are types of vegetation'?Look up vegetation in wikipedia

What three vegetation areas in Africa have very few people?

Deserts,semi-arid areas such as the Sahel and tropical rainforest's

What is the semiarid vegetation region that separates the central African tropical rain forest and savanna from the Sahara desert?

The Sahel Region.