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The Ganges river

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10y ago

The Indus River Valley.

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Q: What valley did the early people in India settle along?
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Where did the people of Mesopotamia tend to settle?

The people of Mesopotamia had a tendency to settle along waterways and rivers. This is what was known as the river valley concept of these people.

What one of the civilization did not settle along a river valley?

The Phoenicians.

Where did the first people in India settle?

Along the Ganges River. Because it was believed this was the holy river and for many other reasons.

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People belive that people started to settle along the Nile around 5,000-6,000 BC. But there is no way to make sure but that is when experts belive they settled.

Most people of this nation live in the fertile Indus River Valley along its border with India?

Some where in the fertile river valley. ^^Whoever gave that answer sucks.

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All along the coast

What civilization began along the Indus and Ganges rivers?

indus valley

Where is river ganges located?

People live along the Ganges river valley because of good agricultural jobs and family opportunities.

Why did people settle along the California coast?

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Is narmada valley a rift valley?

No, the Narmada Valley in India is not a rift valley. It is formed by a fault line that runs along the Narmada River, resulting in a valley with distinct geological features. Rift valleys are formed by the stretching and pulling apart of the Earth's crust, which is not the case for the Narmada Valley.