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spinax, v-raptor, gyole

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Q: What vivosaurs can you find at greenhorn plains?
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On Fossil Fighters DSwhere is the greenhorn plains idol fragment?

You have to look for it with the radar, it will be a red dot, not a white one. Greenhorn plains is not so big, you will find it easely. Greetings

Where is the carno in fossil fighters?

Find him at the pay-to-dig site in the Greenhorn plains

Where do you find Carchar in fossil fighters?

you can find carchar in greenhorn plains in the pay to dig site

How do you get to greenhorn plains on fossil fighters?

If you've been told that you can go to greenhorn plains then go to the fighter area, talk to Beth and she'll ask what dig site you want to travel to, then give you the options and you have to click on greenhorn plains.

Where are spinax arms on fossil fighters?

You can't find Spinax legs and arms in greenhorn plains I think you can fid it when you complete the main story.

Where are Spinx's arms on fossil fighters?

Greenhorn Plains, of course.

Where do you get v-raptors head in fossil fighters?

I'm pretty sure it's either Greenhorn Plains or Knotwood Forest. I'm most sure it's Greenhorn Plains though.

How do you get fossil fighter spinax legs?

Dig them up at Greenhorn plains

How do you find magalo fossil legs?

You will mostly find megalo fossils in greenhorn plains or in knotwood forest ,try going to those places in fossil fighters!

Where is the idol fragment in greenhorn plains?

where you enter greenhorn plains go right > until u get to a yellow path follow that path then step off it and look left on your radar the RED DOT should be right there

Where do you find all of the goyle fossils in fossil fighters?

You find them in greenhorn plains but you have to buy all the fossil chips or beat the game and youll be able to. hope i helped!

Where do you find spinax body fossils in fossil fighters?

You get him at greenhorn plains.(If wanting all body parts,you must buy fossil chips at the store.)