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Jefferson believed that a strong democracy depended on well educated students

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Q: What was Jeffersons view of the relationship between education and democracy?
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What is the relationship between culture tradition and education?

The relationship between culture, tradition, and education involves education transmitting traditions of cultures to a larger group of people. Each of the three influence the other two.

What is the relation of education to the other sciences?

That "knowledge is power" best explains their relationship of education and political science. Without empowering and liberating education, political power will rest only on the few who are rich and powerful and this makes democracy impossible. It is the sufficient and quality education of the many who are poor that make democracy not only possible but inevitable. It is most likely that the educated man will be less likely to commit a crime. Thus, education becomes a strategic solution to the problems of government.

What is the relationship between Industrialization and Education?

in first sight industrialization and education do not have a relation but for a successful industry professional and educated industrialists are needed this is possible only through proper education

What is the relationship between democracy and socialism?

You can have a socialist democracy. A democracy makes decisions based on instructions from voters and socialism intends to take the production of industry and hand it out to people with equality in mind.

What is the relationship between culture and tradition?

The relationship between culture, tradition, and education involves education transmitting traditions of cultures to a larger group of people. Each of the three influence the other two.

What is the relationship between education and the society?

society is our initial school and education help us to more about the society!

What is the relationship between religion and education?

Specifically, formal, organized education (schools) began as extensions of the Church, and focused on religious education.