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"Planet X". In the early 1900's, noted astronomers Percival Lowell and William Pickering used the 1840 mathematical model of Urbain LeVerrier to predict locations for a planet that would explain the orbital perturbations of the planet Uranus, which did not seem possible due to Neptune alone. Lowell called it 'Planet X' and estimated its size as large as Neptune or larger. In 1929, the search fell to Clyde Tombaugh, who located Pluto in 1930 (oddly enough, a photograph by Lowell in 1915 was found to have a faint image of the planet, once its location was known).

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Q: What was Pluto called before it was officially named?
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The formal designation of Pluto now includes a numerical prefix, but it has received little use. It is "134340 Pluto".

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The planet PLUTO has a satellite named 'CHARON' . Pronounced 'Karon'.

Who is Pluto is named for?

Named for Pluto, ancient god of the underworld.

When was Pluto the planet named?

The former planet was officially named on March 24, 1930. The name was created by the eleven-year old girl, Venetia Phair, on March 14, 1930.

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Pluto, also called Pluto the Pup, is a cartoon character created in 1930 at Walt Disney Productions. The dog was named after the discovery of Pluto, a few months earlier.

Is Pluto named after something?

The dwarf planet, Pluto, was named for the Greek God of the underworld.

Who discovered the moons in Pluto?

An American named Jim Christy discovered Pluto's moon in 1978. He called it Charon witch was his wife's name.

Who discovered Pluto and how?

Pluto was discovered in 1930. The person who discovered Pluto was a guy named Clyde W. Tombaugh. After he discovered Pluto they called Pluto Planet X. But later a girl named Venetia Katherine Douglas Phair, born in 1919. She came up with the name Pluto because the planets description sounded just like the god of darkness and the underworld.

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Before it was officially named, Eris was nicknamed Xena.

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